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Wednesday, 21 May 2014

My Top 5...Rules when Dating Men

1) Never Date Your Best Friend's Ex
Amongst friends there is an unspoken rule that you should never consider entering into a relationship with your best friend's ex boyfriend. It's frowned upon and not only can it become a little awkward, but there is a high possibility you could lose your friendship. However, if your loyalty means nothing then by all means, go for it, but it'll be your funeral.

2) Avoid Dating Guys Who Have The Same Name As Your Dad
There's many reasons why you should avoid this at all costs and I'm speaking slightly from experience here. In moments of ecstasy and you cry out your lover's name, the last thing you want to think about is your Dad. Not only is it a major turn-off, but also extremely disturbing. 

3) Do Not Date More Than One Person At A Time
Not only is this not fair on the person you're seeing, but it could lead to embarrassing and awkward moments. If you're the type who can't even remember what you had for breakfast I suggest you stick to one guy at a time. If you are sitting there thinking, "Life's too short" and are confident you can pull off dating simultaneously without being detected, then what the heck, give it go. Rather you than me.

4) Have A Back Up Plan
If you haven't yet, you will no doubt at some point in your life experience a moment while out on a date wishing you were somewhere else. This is when a back up plan becomes very useful. The most common one is to get your friend to ring you up at a certain time during your date and you can fake an emergency to get you out of there. However, if you're enjoying your date you can simply ignore the ringing or answer and subtly convey your desire to stay in a way that doesn't arouse suspicion. But like I said, this is an overly used method and your date may easily catch on to what you are up to, so if you can come up with something more inventive then use it.  

5) There's More To Life Than Dating
If all else fails, just remember you still have your friends and family to fall back on. And if that doesn't help, then just stick a good rom-com on (either of the Bridget Jones' movies come to mind), grab a tub of ice cream or maybe a large bar of chocolate (mmmm Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough...no, no, Galaxy Cookie), and a glass of alcoholic beverage of your choice (a nice Australian Shiraz would go down a treat). 

Right, now where's that DVD of mine?

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